International Yoga day is an event widely celebrated across various countries in the world on June 21. On this International Yoga Day, QNET India explores a healthy lifestyle along with Nutriplus DailyHealth and Nutriplus ImmunHealth.
The pandemic has restricted our movement and forced us to stay at home. So, it has become paramount for us to adopt a healthy lifestyle. We’d reckon that it is indeed true because a healthy lifestyle can significantly improve our health.
But how do you adopt a healthy lifestyle when you are confined to stay at home? Well, we are here to answer exactly that. This article will help you form a healthy lifestyle on this International Yoga day.
Interestingly, the theme of this year’s International Yoga day is “Yoga at home and Yoga with Family”. Since we have become an inevitable part of the work from home culture, we tend to spend most of our time in front of our laptops.
As a consequence, there is an increasing level of stress and restlessness associated with staying home. So, what do you do about that?
Perhaps, yoga could help you ease the stress. Maybe, adopting yogic practices can significantly improve your lifestyle?
Let’s find out!
QNET India looks at the significance of Yoga on International Yoga Day
Yoga is one of the oldest practices known to humankind, dating 6000 years ago when it was first practised. Over the years, it has been adopted and appreciated by people all over the world. Let us look at some of its great benefits and the significance for our health and wellness.
1. Yoga improves your fitness
Fitness has closely been associated with a healthy lifestyle. If you are looking to manage your weight, lose weight or even stay in shape, then yoga could immensely benefit you.
Yoga does not require a lot of space. In fact, it does not require you to have any equipment either. All you would require is a half-hour in a day for you to get started. You could start with some basic Pranayama and Asana to help your body adapt to your routine.
From there, you could focus on a few particular Asana and Mudras directed at improving your fitness. Speaking of Asanas, yoga is also known to improve our body posture.
With the work from home culture and slouching in front of the laptop, we develop a bad posture. Yoga, in turn, helps us become more conscious of our posture and prevents us from slouching. It is further helpful in improving our balance and flexibility.
2. Yoga improves our health condition
Yoga is usually credited with improving the health condition of our body. In fact, it is said that every part of our body could benefit from practicing yoga.
Potential health benefits include lower blood sugar levels. Practicing yoga could further reduce LDL (bad cholesterol) and increase HDL (good cholesterol) in our body. Furthermore, it can improve our digestion, relieving us from health conditions like IBS, gastric problems, and acidity.
Yoga is also known to improve respiratory problems like chronic colds and coughs, breathlessness, Bronchitis, Sinusitis, and COPD. Cardiovascular problems like coronary artery disease, hypertension, and myocardial infarction are further curable with Cardiac yoga.
Another significant benefit of yoga is seen in its therapy of musculoskeletal problems. Lower back pain, arthritis, fibromyalgia and muscular dystrophy are a few common muscle issues. Yoga Asanas and Mudras have been claimed to improve these muscular problems.
These are just a few health benefits that we could improve by practicing yoga. Another significant benefit is its effect on our mental wellness.
3. Yoga can improve our mental wellness
A healthy body is a result of a healthy mind. Yoga Asana and Pranayama can help you stay calm and composed when things get stressful. Furthermore, it can help you stay mindful and aware of things that tend to bypass our busy schedule.
Another significant benefit that is observed is in the boosting of self-confidence. Yes, yoga is considered to increase the release of endorphins (the happy hormones). The release of endorphins, in turn, helps us improve our self-confidence.
Furthermore, a higher level of oxytocin is observed in people who practice yoga. Oxytocin is closely associated with us forming healthy relationships with our family and peers.
A more subtle benefit is observed in the increase in immunity. That’s right, yoga can indeed help in building our immunity. Although, is practicing yoga the only factor in improving immunity? What about our diet?
Well, that’s where we tend to fall short. We end up consuming food that doesn’t supplement our needs. In fact, a large portion of our body undergoes a deficit of essential nutrients.
That is exactly why QNET India introduced Nutriplus DailyHealth and Nutriplus ImmunHealth. A supplement that could help us increase our immunity along with practicing yoga.
QNET India’s initiative for health and wellness along with Nutriplus DailyHealth and Nutriplus ImmunHealth
To help us boost your immunity along with yoga, we require dietary supplements. By providing our body with the required vitamins and minerals, Nutriplus DailyHealth and Nutriplus ImmunHealth can completely change our perspective on health and wellness.
Nutriplus DailyHealth is your daily dose of wellness. It consists of nature’s superfood – Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (wild AFA extract), a type of blue-green algae. Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (AFA) is rich in a wide spectrum of phytonutrients and supplies essential nutrients to the cells.
Harvested from the pristine environment of Lake Klamath in USA, it is a rich source of natural bioavailable vitamins, minerals, trace elements, antioxidants, phytonutrients, and plant pigments.
Nutriplus ImmunHealth is a dietary supplement that contains phytonutrients to balance immunity and enhance health.
The key ingredients in ImmunHealth to boost immunity are Papaya leaf extracts that increases blood platelet count, Echinacea extracts to prevent viral and microbial infections, Aloe Vera extracts to boost anti-inflammatory properties and Guduchi extracts to boost white blood cells count and help in developing bone marrow stem cells.
Okay, so what are the benefits of Nutriplus DailyHealth and Nutriplus ImmunHealth?
Benefits of Nutriplus DailyHealth
Building immunity has never been more important than the current times. Nutriplus DailyHealth is designed to serve that purpose. Some of the benefits of Nutriplus DailyHealth include anti-inflammatory properties and neutralisation of free radicals to avoid tissue damage. As a consequence, it minimises oxidative stress.
Nutriplus DailyHealth is the perfect health supplement with 13 different types of vitamins and 10 types of minerals. It reduces fatigue and allows you to keep going throughout the day.
Another added benefit of Nutriplus DailyHealth is the stimulation of optimal function of the nervous system. Furthermore, with Nutriplus DailyHealth being an amazing source of antioxidant, it acts as an anti-ageing agent. It also supports the release of stem cells from the bone marrow and from blood into the tissues.
Needless to say that Nutriplus DailyHealth is your ideal source to build immunity. Speaking of Immunity, Nutriplus ImmunHealth is another source that could vastly benefit you.
Benefits of Nutriplus ImmunHealth
The benefits of Nutriplus ImmunHealth include the enhancement of immune response to all pathogens. Our body tends to react to external agents and pathogens. Whenever an unknown agent enters our body, our immunity system reacts by fighting against these agents and ensuring that our body is not harmed.
However, the outcome is highly dependent on the reaction of our immunity system. Nutriplus ImmunHealth helps by increasing the response and, in turn fighting the pathogens.
Another benefit of Nutriplus ImmunHealth is its ability to react to allergy cases. With the increase of dust, pollens, mold and mildew in our homes, it has become common for us to fall victim to certain allergens.
Nutriplus ImmunHealth, in turn, is focused on helping us improve our condition by helping us counter-act the effects of allergy cases. In turn, boosting the overall immunity of our body with essential nutrients.
Our body has become more and more susceptible to various diseases. As a result, Nutriplus DailyHealth and ImmunHealth can certainly help in building immunity.
Furthermore, Nutriplus products can help in balancing our bodily functions and requirements to fight back diseases. In turn, forming an indispensable part of our lifestyle.
Nutriplus DailyHealth and Nutriplus ImmunHealth for a Healthy Lifestyle on International Yoga day
However, we must understand that a healthy lifestyle would require commitment. So, simply taking a tablet like medication or doing yoga irregularly would not yield us the desired results.
On the other hand, practicing yoga regularly and making Nutriplus DailyHealth and ImmunHealth your immunity partner can yield great benefits. We believe that it can lead you towards a healthier lifestyle.
It has become important for us to be responsible in the current world, especially towards our health. In times where building immunity is vital, India has set the right example of yoga for the entire world to follow. Over the years, yoga has been increasingly practiced, and India stands as an epitome to practice yoga for health and wellness.
On this International Yoga Day, QNET India celebrates health and wellness with joy and hope. If you’re looking forward to making Nutriplus a part of your health and wellness, head over to the QNET India eStore now.